
  • Power Monitoring PCB

    Jan 2022 - May 2022

    Designed, laid out, and tested custom board with STM32 microprocessor to monitor battery voltage and power draw. Meant to communicate with companion computer over USB connection.

    Skills | PCB design - PCB layout

  • Device for Open-water Research with Aerial Docking Operations (DORADO)

    Aug 2021 - Present

    Control Systems Lead

    Design and construction of an autonomous pontoon-style boat with onboard quadrotor capable of landing/taking off from the boat. Initial motivation was to seek out the source of an algal bloom by following its gradient in a lake. Project for the Mercury Robotics design team in coordination with the Unmanned Systems Research Institute (USRI) at Oklahoma State University.

  • Vehicle for Emergency Location and Assistance (VELA)

    Oct 2020 - Jun 2021

    Electrical and Controls Lead

    Development of autonomous search and rescue vehicle to locate and deliver supplies to stranded astronauts after emergency egress from capsule. Completed for the NASA Micro-g design competition.

    Skills | ROS - C++ - Pixhawk - composite materials - power distribution - antenna design and analysis

  • Gimballed Turret with Face Following

    Jun 2020 - Sep 2020

    Developed two-axis gimballed stand with mounted NERF blaster. Used Raspberry Pi with OpenCV to detect facial features to shoot foam darts at target. Low-level motor control managed with Arduino.

    Skills | C++ - OpenCV - serial communication

  • Infix Calculator

    Jun 2020 - Jul 2020

    Terminal-based calculator supporting infix and postfix (Reverse Polish Notation) type expressions. Allows variable declarations, nested expressions, etc. Honors project for CS 2433 - C/C++ programming.

    Skills | C++

  • Multiplayer Battleship

    Jan 2020 - May 2020

    Developed online-multiplayer clone of Battleship with fully featured graphical user interface (GUI). Honors project for CS 1113 - Computer Science I.

    Skills | Java - socket networking - GUI development

  • Medical Oxygen Tank Timer

    Aug 2018 - Jun 2019

    Project and Electrical Lead

    Real-time depletion timer for medical oxygen tanks commonly used by COPD patients. Addresses shortcomings of common timing methods with a variety of audiovisual indicators. Senior high school capstone project.

    Skills | Microcontrollers - I2C - SPI - wireless communication - Javascript